Anger Management for Healthcare Professionals – Helping the “Disruptive Physician”

| Posted in Licensing Defense,News on October 31, 2018

Unprofessional Conduct – Business and Professions Code Section 2236

Anger is an emotion that we all experience. The Medical Board of California, however, has expressed concern and even launched investigations into the conduct of its Physicians whose anger may potentially impact patient care.  The investigation is launched because of “unprofessional conduct” pursuant to Business and Professions Code Section 2236.

There have been television characterizations of physicians acting out with tantrums, lashing out on the nurses for calling with concerns about patients, and throwing instruments in the operating room; although this makes good drama for t.v. and movies, it could potentially have severe ramifications for a physician’s license if not corrected.  The California Medical Board recognizes the potential for stress and frustration to present in the form of anger outbursts  in its Medical Licensee and have adopted the term of “Disruptive Physician.”

Defending Medical Physicians after Allegations of Misconduct

We are experienced in defending Physicians both with their Medical Licensing Board as well as in the criminal courts who’s stress manifests into drinking and/or anger erupting at home resulting in a domestic dispute/violence and/or DUI which can lead to an arrest, criminal charge and ultimately criminal conviction.

If you or a loved one is suffering from such disruptive behavior, there are on- point resources to get help whether it is before or after having to face the Medical Board due to allegations of unprofessional conduct or because of criminal charges of assault or domestic abuse.  The University of California, San Diego offers a program that addresses anger management for healthcare professionals. It is offered at the Physician Assessment and Clinical Education Program (PACE).  Participants receive medical education credits.

As a Physician or a Healthcare professional, if your license is threatened because of an Accusation or allegations of unprofessional conduct stemming from anger Issues, domestic violence arrest and/or conviction our office can help guide and protect your license.

Related: Healthcare Anger Management

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