RN Convicted of DUI, Receives Citation with No Public Record

Our office represented a Registered Nurse who was arrested and convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol. Our client took full responsibility at an early stage in the criminal process and admitted to a misdemeanor violation of Vehicle Code Section 23152(b). The court accepted our client’s plea, imposed three years of summary probation with various terms.

The BRN website does not explicitly state that Registered Nurses must disclose a conviction within thirty days. However, pursuant to California Code of Regulations Section 1441, failure to disclose a conviction within thirty days can lead to further discipline for Unprofessional Conduct. Additionally, by reporting and litigating the matter before the Board files a formal Accusation, one may avoid the conviction being made public on the Board’s website and Breeze.

Our office prepared the disclosure and an extensive mitigation packet. We highlighted our client’s acceptance of responsibility, remorse, and strength and commitment to nursing. The mitigation packet included employment evaluations, declarations of support, documented compliance with the court’s orders, and certificates of continuing education. After reviewing the mitigation, the Board issued a citation with no public record.

If you have recently been arrested for, and/or suffered a criminal conviction, contact our office.

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