Daycare Providers License Defense Attorney

Protecting Your Daycare Provider License

As a Daycare Provider, you obtained your license because of your love for children. Your reputation is everything in your career. So when an investigation into your care is brought by the Department of Social Services (CDSS), the process can be stressful and overwhelming. The potential of losing your license jeopardizes your livelihood; and could potentially result in the hindrance of your business, your reputation, and in some matters criminal sanctions. At the Law Office of Nicole Irmer, we understand the unique issues of defending a Day Care Provider’s license. Whether your licensing problem arises from a criminal matter or a complaint lodged against you, we can assist you in protecting your Day Care License.

The Department of Social Services monitors Family Child Care Homes and Child Care Centers through the Child Care Licensing Program. The Child Care Licensing Program’s mission is “to ensure the health and safety of children in care. The Child Care Licensing Program is mandated by law to provide preventive, protective, and quality services to children in care by ensuring that licensed facilities meet established health and safety standards through monitoring facilities, providing technical assistance, and establishing partnerships with providers, parents, and the child care community.” Under the Law and Regulations governing Child Care Licensing a Licensee may be disciplined for:

  • Unprofessional Conduct
  • Failing to Maintain Appropriate Records
  • Failing to Attend the Mandatory Training and Educational Courses
  • Deficiencies in Compliance
  • Ratios
  • Negligent Supervision
  • Criminal Convictions

The Department of Social Services has several options when it determines that a Licensee has violated an applicable statute or regulation including: license revocation, license suspension, or placing the Licensee on probation, or a referral for criminal prosecution. At the Law Office of Nicole Irmer we recognize that situations may arise at Day Care Facilities that may be misinterpreted by Investigators. We also understand the importance of being proactive in the defense of a Licensee, as the potential threat of criminal sanctions is terrifying.

Day Care Licensing Defense Attorney Representing You

Attorney, Nicole Irmer, has successfully represented hundreds of individuals who have been accused of professional misconduct or criminal violations. With over twenty years of experience, attorney Nicole Irmer proactively, zealously, and empathetically defends all of a Licensee’s interest- both criminally and administratively.

Professional Licensing and Criminal Defense Attorney Nicole Irmer, is knowledgeable about the immense demands placed on Day Care Providers, she is well versed on defending a Professionals License during all phases of the Administrative Action, and she is committed to ensuring that you understand the process, your exposure, and the steps necessary to protect your interests. To learn more about protecting your Day Care License, please contact our office at (619) 237-6130.

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