Orange County Healthcare Licensing Defense Lawyer

The journey to becoming a healthcare professional is often long and arduous. In addition to years of education and examinations, healthcare workers are often required to meet strict licensing requirements before being permitted to work in their chosen profession. When a licensing board investigates healthcare professionals for alleged violations, it can put both their license and their ability to earn a living at risk.

If you are under investigation by your licensing board for an alleged violation, it could lead to serious consequences, including a formal reprimand, probation, suspension, or even a full license revocation. In this situation, you can’t take chances with your professional reputation and license. An Orange County healthcare licensing defense attorney can advocate for you and help you obtain the best possible outcome. 

At the Law Office of Nicole Irmer, we represent physicians, surgeons, nurses, psychologists, physician’s assistants, physical therapists, therapists, dentists, and other healthcare professionals who are dealing with disciplinary issues. For each client, we put together a multi-faceted, proactive strategy to help our clients resolve these matters quickly and favorably.  Reach out today to schedule a consultation with a member of our legal team.

Types of Cases Our Law Firm Handles

The Law Office of Nicole Irmer has represented healthcare professionals before a range of California licensing boards, including:

While the disciplinary process is slightly different for each board, it typically starts with a complaint made by a patient, family member, colleague, member of the public, or even an insurance company. In some situations, a law enforcement agency refers a criminal matter involving a healthcare professional to its licensing board. 

Our office assists clients through each step of the process, starting with the initial investigation and proceeding through settlements, administrative hearings, and when necessary, appeals. Our law firm also represents healthcare workers who seek reinstatement after a license revocation.

A licensing board may investigate licensees for any violation of the governing standards for the profession. Our legal team has represented healthcare professionals who are under investigation for:

  • Professional misconduct
  • Gross negligence
  • Unauthorized practice of medicine
  • Incompetence
  • Excessive treatments or prescribing
  • Medical record errors
  • Mental or physical illness that affects the ability to practice
  • Substance abuse
  • Criminal arrests and convictions

We also represent individuals in the application process, including appealing a denial of a professional license.

Board disciplinary action can often result in serious consequences that may impact a licensee’s ability to work. Depending on the circumstances, a Board may impose discipline ranging from a public reprimand to license suspension or revocation. Because a Board investigation has the potential to result in the loss of your license, it is critical that you reach out to a seasoned Orange County healthcare licensing defense lawyer as soon as possible to advocate for you. 

Our Multi-Faceted Approach to Healthcare License Defense

For healthcare professionals, the possibility of disciplinary action can be incredibly stressful. While investigations do not always result in disciplinary action, there is a strong possibility that if your board is investigating you, it could result in discipline. In addition, some investigations may lead to criminal prosecution.

Our law firm believes that a proactive strategy is the best approach to healthcare licensing issues. The first part of our defense involves intervening as early as possible to attempt to resolve the matter before a formal Accusation is filed. In some matters, it is possible to  negotiate informal discipline with the Board, such as a citation and fine. 

While working with the Board to refute the allegations against you and/or put together mitigating evidence, we will also be preparing a defense of the charges against you. We may hire expert witnesses, work with our own investigators, or develop a rehabilitation plan in appropriate cases. In this way, we will attempt to resolve the matter before formal board action occurs while simultaneously getting ready to defend you in disciplinary proceedings.

For each case, our goal is to resolve the case in a manner that is most favorable to our client. This may mean negotiating a settlement or taking the case to hearing to make an argument before an administrative law judge. If necessary, we will appeal the Board’s imposition of discipline to protect your rights.

In cases involving substance abuse or mental health issues, we will work with healthcare professionals to put together a rehabilitation plan. In some situations, evidence of rehabilitation may result in lesser disciplinary action. We will help you get the resources that you need to deal with substance abuse disorder and/or mental health issues so that you can move forward with your life and your career.

Our legal team has decades of experience handling professional licensing matters. We understand that even the most conscientious healthcare workers may have a lapse in judgment or make a mistake. We treat each client with compassion and use our legal acumen and experience to put together the strongest possible defense for our clients.

Talk to a Skilled Healthcare Licensing Defense in Orange County, CA

If you are under investigation by your licensing board, time is of the essence. The sooner that you obtain legal representation, the better the chances are that your matter can be resolved without formal discipline. Our law firm will help you understand your rights and advocate for you throughout each step of the process, from the initial investigation to the hearing to an appeal to reinstatement.  

At the Law Offices of Nicole Irmer, we represent healthcare workers in all types of healthcare licensing matters. If you are facing an investigation for an alleged violation of professional standards or another licensing issue, we are here for you. To learn more or to schedule a consultation with an Orange County healthcare licensing defense lawyer, call our office at 619-237-6130 or fill out our online contact form.

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